ISERD Life sciences newsletter April 2013 | Page 3

Page 3 Newsletter 4 / 2013


� SET ( Strategic Energy Tech .) Plan conference The event will be held in Dublin , on 7-8 / 5 / 2013 . The Conference will hold discussions on EU progress in accelerating the development and market roll-out of energy technologies . It will entail representation from European Commissioners and National Ministerial representatives where key messages will be conveyed concerning the future important role that energy research will play in decarbonizing societies . Details and registration : http :// www . setplan2013 . ie /
� IMI stakeholder forum The event will be held in Brussels , on 13 / 5 / 2013 . The annual Stakeholder Forum provides stakeholders with an opportunity to discuss IMI ’ s activities , successes and plans . This year , the morning of the event will be dedicated to brain research , an area where IMI is particularly active and where there is an urgent need for new drugs . The afternoon will focus on IMI ’ s place in the European Research Area . IMI encourages policy makers , small and medium-sized enterprises , patient organizations , regulatory authorities , academic teams , industry , hospitals and other organisations with an interest in IMI projects to take part in the Stakeholder Forum . Details and registration : http :// www . imi . europa . eu / events / 2013 / 03 / 01 / imi-stakeholder-forum-2013
� European Forum on Epilepsy Research
The event will be held in Dublin , on 25-27 / 5 / 2013 . This forum is organized by the International League Against Epilepsy , the International Bureau for Epilepsy and the EC . The program has been created to provide both formal and informal meeting opportunities , facilitating both national contacts and pan-European discussions . Of particular interest is the welcome reception which will enable top epilepsy researchers to meet with Health National Contact Points and better inform themselves of funding opportunities across the Union , ahead of Horizon 2020 . Details and registration : http :// www . epilepsyresearcheurope . org /
� International Strategy Development Workshop for life sciences managers The event will be held in Brussels , on 12 / 6 / 2013 . The EU funded project Fit for Health , offers personal development for life sciences managers to help them tackle the strategic challenges of their current role . The event is dedicated to research performing SMEs ( close
for consultants ). Details and registration : http :// www . fitforhealth . eu / events / in-the-long-run-a-personalstrategic-development-workshop-for-life-science-managers-in-smes / 220 . aspx
International Strategic Conference - Creating New Business Opportunities for SMEs in the Life Sciences Area The event will be held in Brussels , on 13 / 6 / 2013 . Following the International Strategy Development Workshop , The focus of this event is on how SMEs could take sustainable benefit from the participation in Horizon 2020 . The event addresses all organization ’ s interested in
H2020 health programs . Details and registration : http :// www . fitforhealth . eu / events / creating-new-business- opportunities-for-smes-in-the-life-sciences-area-are-you-already-prepared-for-h2020-in-the-health-sector- / 216 . aspx