ISA London West Athletics - Draft 3 June 2014 | Page 3
Many thanks to all the staff who have helped run
the meeting today - especially the following
graded Officials!
Geoff Cunliffe HCAA The Gregg School!
Richard Weston SCAA. !
2013 National Athletics Championships
East Anglia won the junior overall title and
London West the senior title. London West
were winners of 5 age groups on the day! !
12 JUNE 2014
National Championships at Birmingham
Monday 16th June
The ISA London West Championships is also the
selection event for the National Championships and the ISA London West Teams. Some schools
could not make it today and they have shared their
outstanding athletes’ performances - these will then
be compared to the winning times and distances
today and the Team Managers will contact schools
based on the athletes with the best performance
overall. (Thursday eve/Friday morning)!
Please can School Team Managers help as much as
they can in establishing the availability of their best
athletes - especially bearing in mind the short turn
around - and the County Schools Championships on
Nick Butterworth CCS, Joanne Cox, CCS
Robert Rowley Hawley Place!
& David Williams CCS!
Team Managers for ISA London West