iS Skin Source 2022 Q2 2022 Q2 | Page 19

We previously mentioned establishing trust between patient and practitioner , so make sure to talk to them while you are doing the assessment . Explain why you are doing what you are doing . Doing so will most likely put them at ease and reassure them . It will contribute to enhancing their comfort level not only with providing the best treatment , but with providing them with the comfort of knowledge . The knowledge of the process and the knowledge that they did the right thing by choosing you as a professional is crucial . This process also includes remaining sensitive to the patient ’ s privacy and modesty at all times .
Once you have completed a detailed assessment / analysis of your patient ’ s wants and concerns , make sure to discuss those as well as any additional identified problem areas . It is important to confirm these findings with the patient and ask if they agree with your assessment . Documentation of your observations are critical to refer back to .
Considering their full ethnic background prior to performing a treatment is essential […].
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