iS Skin Source 2022 Q1 | Page 72

Increase Expectations , Increase Results ! | by Tyler Peters
Address Failures Immediately
On the flip side of that coin , failures need to be identified and addressed as soon as they occur . Letting a failure go unnoticed can lead to more adverse consequences down the road . If a task is late or done poorly , workers need to know that such performance is unacceptable . If a group doesn ’ t meet a pre-set benchmark , individuals should be allowed one-on-one time with their manager . This can be a valuable opportunity for personal growth . Instead of blaming others , individuals can reflect on what they did wrong and how they can improve next time . Once all team members have reset their expectations , the team can reconvene to develop a plan on how to improve together . Human beings make mistakes . But human beings are also extremely resilient and can quickly get back to top-level performance . Clear communication is an absolute must . Failures should be treated as learning opportunities instead of a way to chop others down . It benefits everyone to bring these letdowns to light so that we can realign our personal and professional targets .

Letting a failure go unnoticed can lead to more adverse consequences down the road . Clear communication is an absolute must .

Be There for your Team
Whether it is with family , employees , or co-workers , being supportive is key . Managers can provide feedback continuously so that expectations remain crystal clear . We all run into very challenging tasks and will need need help at some point . There ’ s never anything wrong with needing and asking for help . Workplaces that provide a scaffold , a way to offer resources and help , are going to succeed in the long run . Employees that are supported know that they can achieve whatever lofty goals they have because their bosses have their backs . Raising expectations for ourselves and for what we want from others is a huge step toward success .
With high expectations , the right support , and clear communication , we can all rise to the occasion and win a championship .
72 iS Skin Source