iS Skin Source 2022 Q1 | Page 63

physician or appropriate healthcare practitioner should be facilitated . In some countries , oral antihistamines and one percent hydrocortisone cream are available without a prescription and can be used to decrease itching and redness . However , topical steroids should not be used for long periods of time or if a reaction continues and does not improve without evaluation by a physician .
Because of the number of ingredients in a skincare product and the number of products that any one individual may be using , it is often ( if not usually ) impossible to determine which ingredient is problematic . This can be done through patch testing by a physician but could be expensive and time-consuming .
After the Reaction Has Resolved
When the inflammatory response from a skin reaction is no longer present , topical products may again be added into the regimen . This should be done slowly and with one product at a time , as a recurrence of the inflammatory response is best avoided . For some months , the patient ’ s skin will be more sensitive to products , treatments , and procedures .
Regardless of which type of skin reaction occurs , it is not only taxing to the skin , but it is also mentally and emotionally taxing to the patient . It is important that as clinicians , we keep this in mind . Helping patients through potential skin reactions can

It is important for the clinician to thoroughly explain this process , how long the purging will last , and what to expect during this time .

be a difficult process . It can be frustrating and time-consuming , as there is a lot of information that needs to be relayed to the patient . Additionally , the process of reintroducing products or implementing an allergy elimination diet for the skin can be nerve-racking and slow-going . To achieve the best outcome , possible reactions must be approached with patience , thoroughness , and emotional support for those involved .
Citation :
https :// nationaleczema . org / eczema / types-ofeczema / contact-dermatitis /
To achieve the best outcome , possible reactions must be approached with patience , thoroughness , and emotional support for those involved .
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