a particular product . A general understanding of skin allergies as they relate to skincare products will allow for the best care for these clients .
How does skin become sensitive and prone to allergic reactions ? Skin that is “ sensitive ” is typically undergoing a combination of barrier disruption , hyperreactive immunity , and heightened neurosensitivity responsiveness . An allergic skin reaction occurs when an allergen triggers an immune system response . Sensitive skin tends to be more easily irritated by an external stimulus . Once the irritation occurs , the body ’ s immune response “ overreacts ,” causing more severe and long-lasting symptoms , like the development of a rash or hives . Various ingredients used in skincare products and cosmetics can cause these reactions . Symptoms can occur soon after using a new product or even after years of using a product with no issues . The exact mechanism through which chemical compounds trigger reactions is not well understood . However , in recent years , researchers have been investigating an immune surface protein called CD1a and its role in triggering allergic reactions from skincare products . Several chemicals have been found to trigger an immune response , including balsam of Peru , a tree oil often used in cosmetics and farnesol and a compound commonly used for fragrance in personal care products ,
Are there different types of skin reactions ? There are two types of skin reactions that occur commonly with skincare products :
• Irritant contact dermatitis occurs when harsh chemicals cause damage to the skin . Symptoms may include itching , burning , stinging , and redness in the areas where the product was applied . Blisters and oozing can occur in areas that are scratched . Those with pre-existing “ sensitive ” skin conditions like eczema and rosacea may be more prone to irritant contact dermatitis .
• Allergic contact dermatitis involves an immune system response when the skin comes into direct contact with a specific ingredient . Itching , swelling , redness , and hives may occur , and common areas affected include the face , lips , eyes , ears , and neck .
Choosing products that contain glycerin , hyaluronic acid , alpha-linolenic acid , and ceramides will help moisturize the skin and protect its lipid barrier .
What are ways to prevent an allergic reaction to a skincare product ?
• Simplicity is key , and less is more . Encourage a skincare regimen that uses a small number of products with as few ingredients as possible .
• Choosing products that contain glycerin , hyaluronic acid , alpha-linolenic acid , and ceramides will help moisturize the skin and protect its lipid barrier .
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