iS Skin Source 2022 Q1 | Page 42

Contributor Spotlight Fergil Mestanov
Do you have a favorite outdoor activity ? Long walks and runs . I enjoy the solitude of being in my own thoughts without distractions .
Best professional advice from a mentor of yours ? Never get emotional in business . Best advice I was given very early on in my career .
Best advice you can give your clients and / or patients ? Ask as many questions as possible . Investigate to get a better understanding of the bigger picture .
Favorite book you have read ? Eat Pray Love , came out when I was going through my divorce , and it was a lifeline for me at the time .
Favorite Book
Eat Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert
Favorite series or movie ? The Saint ( 1997 ), starring Val Kilmer
Is there one thing you “ nerd ” out on ? Documentaries . I don ’ t watch TV , so I watch documentaries as they are about facts and I learn something new every time .
Coffee or tea drinker ? Coffee drinker .
Favorite meal of the day ? Dinner time with the family because it ’ s a proper meal , not on the go .
What are your social media handles ? Personal : @ fergil __ Professional : @ fergil _ hightechmedical
How often do you go on social media ? I ’ m on social media most nights . Instead of TV , Instagram is my entertainment !
What is your most liked social media photo ? From my recent trip to Dubai .
Favorite restaurant ? Clean eating and Whole Foods .
What is your favorite quote ? “ It takes guts to start a business . It takes grit to keep it going ”. This is actually my own quote .
What is your favorite thing about your job ? Achieving results for clients and seeing their happiness makes me happy . To gift someone with the power of self-confidence is a privilege .
42 iS Skin Source