Also worth mentioning is that when we feel overstressed and live beyond our threshold of tolerance , we are highly likely to turn to maladaptive self-soothing techniques like overeating , over drinking , procrastination , avoidance . All of which have their own negative consequences which compound stress !
Now , to understand why chronic stress leads to burnout and poor health , we need to examine the nature of stress . The stress response is a state of general physiological arousal designed to help us deal with a crisis . When we are faced with a dangerous situation , it helps us resolve it . For example , imagine you are hiking , and you are startled by a bear . This threat activates the stress response . This physiological arousal , appropriately named fight-or-flight , improves your chances of surviving ! The physical resolution of the crisis , be it a fight or flight , allows your body to restore its physiological balance ( called homeostasis ).
In this way , our stress system is designed to help us survive ( or endure ) an occasional crisis , then resume balance and a relaxed state . When constant “ crisis mode ” occurs , it overloads our system , causing physiological and psychological burnout .
There are three important points here :
1 . Stress ( fight-or-flight ) is designed to help us survive an occasional crisis .
So , when too much for too long exceeds our ability to cope and adapt , our stress system is overloaded and breaks down . This leaves us feeling burned out , devitalized , or , worse yet , sick .
So how do we go from burning out to shining bright ? Self-care .
To be clear , I don ’ t mean when you have time , or when you finish all your work , or even as a New Year ’ s Resolution . What I mean is prioritizing stress management as a radical act of self-care ! Whether you call it self-care , stress management , or me time , make it a top priority .
Why ? Because it is a wise choice .
Our stress system is designed to help us survive ( or endure ) an occasional crisis , then resume balance and a relaxed state .
Remember the emergency flight instructions that direct you to put on your oxygen mask before you help others ?? Similarly , I like to say , “ You can ’ t pour from an empty cup !”.
So , if you habitually put self-care last on your long to-do list -- STOP . You will not only feel better but will also be better at what doing whatever it is you do !! Not to mention , you ’ ll be a more energetically positive influence on everyone around you .
Article to be continued on page 74
2 . Occasional stress is not bad .
3 . Constant stress is what results in breakdown .