Every tissue in the body needs to go through a renewal process to repair itself . Skin has a youthful , healthy look when epidermal turnover and exfoliation are at their best . Exfoliation , the shedding of cells from the stratum corneum , is part of the normal process of cell renewal in the epidermis .
by Dr . Charlene DeHaven
Every tissue in the body needs to go through a renewal process to repair itself . Skin has a youthful , healthy look when epidermal turnover and exfoliation are at their best . Exfoliation , the shedding of cells from the stratum corneum , is part of the normal process of cell renewal in the epidermis . This same term , exfoliation , may be used to describe some aesthetic procedures encouraging cellular shedding . Understanding how and why this process works is helpful for the client and essential for the aesthetic professional performing the procedure . This article will take a closer look at this process to help readers better understand it .
Exfoliation Process
In young adults , the exfoliation process naturally occurs about every 20-30 days but takes much longer in older adults . The cells move up from the basal layer to the topmost layer , making their way through every layer of the epidermis . As people age , their metabolism slows , and skin renewal takes longer . Emphasizing a healthy diet , using the right skincare products , and procedures like exfoliation is helpful .
How Metabolism Affects Exfoliation
Older people have a longer exfoliation time . Youthful bodies require less time to replace lost or damaged cells and
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