iS Skin Source 2021 Q4 | Page 80

Hormonal Acne | by Dr . Alpesh Desai
In summary , hormonal acne is :
• Concentrated along the jawline .
• Resistant to cleansers , antibiotics , and retinol .
• Usually occurs one week before or during menstruation .
If your acne responds well to cleansers , antibiotics , and retinol products , you do not have hormonal acne .

Although aestheticians cannot officially diagnose hormonal acne , they can play two critical roles for their clients .

How Likely Am I To Experience Hormonal Acne ?
The odds of developing hormonal acne are high , but they decrease with age . Women between the ages of 20 and 29 have a 50 percent chance of experiencing hormonal acne , while women between 30 and 40 have a smaller chance , around 25 percent . If I were a betting man , I ’ d venture that there ’ s a 50 / 50 chance of getting hormonal acne in your twenties and half that as you get older . At least some things get better with age !
How Is Hormonal Acne Treated ?
Oral Contraceptives There are many treatment options available for this type of acne . Prescribing an oral contraceptive ( OCP ) is probably one of the first types of treatment your dermatologist will try . There are three types of OCP ’ s approved for hormonal acne , so you can try different ones before moving on to another treatment if that doesn ’ t work . If you have a history of breast cancer or deep vein thrombosis , OCPs may not be for you . Please consult with your dermatologist .
Spironolactone If OCPs are not effective , your dermatologist may put you on spironolactone . This medication reduces andro-
80 iS Skin Source