iS Skin Source 2021 Q4 | Page 75

• Retinol – helps to increase skin cell turnover . expert for the best treatment outcome . No acne treatment works immediately or overnight , so it ’ s essential to set realistic expectations for when your clients will start seeing improvements . Take time to understand your client ’ s lifestyle , as this will enable you to customize products suitable to their needs and budget .
The seven fundamental products your clients need to use at home are :
• Sulphur – provides anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties .
• Azelaic Acid — antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory .

[…] early treatment intervention will improve your client ’ s quality of life and psychologic well-being .

• Cleanser
• Serum
• Eye cream
• Moisturizer
• Sunscreen
• Enzymatic exfoliator
• Mask
Home care treatment products should include active ingredients that calm skin sensitivity , reduce acne flareups , and prevent post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation .
Home care products should include the following active ingredients :
• Salicylic Acid – creates a desmolytic action that encourages exfoliation of the skin .
• Hyaluronic Acid – restores and retains moisture .
• Vitamin C – an antioxidant that neutralizes free radicals .
• Liquorice Root Extract – reduces PIH .
In conclusion , dermatologic features may provide early clues to recognition of PCOS , and early treatment intervention will improve your client ’ s quality of life and psychological well-being . It is advisable to create a questionnaire related to PCOS at the initial consultation , enabling you as a skincare expert to customize the best treatment plan .
Some people feel embarrassed or experience low self-esteem due to PCOS symptoms , and as a skincare expert and professional , you can make a difference .
References :
Hirsutism and virilism in women . Kirschner MA . https :// www . ncbi . nlm . nih . gov / pubmed / 6084314 . Spec Top Endocrinol Metab . 1984 ; 6:55 – 93 . [ PubMed ] [ Google Scholar ]
https :// www . medicalnewstoday . com / articles / pcosacne # other-linked- conditions
The Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology
Damage to skin cells can cause early signs of aging .
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