iS Skin Source 2021 Q4 | Page 72

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome ( PCOS ) And Your Skin | by Noushinah Ganey
• Seborrheic dermatitis .
What Are Common Symptoms Of PCOS ?
• Unexplained weight gain .
• Unwanted hair growth that presents as darker and courser , referred to as hirsutism and commonly found on the facial area .
• Some clients will present with alopecia or thinning of the hair on the scalp .
• Oily skin and acne flareups . PCOS-related acne is caused by high androgen levels , systemic inflammation , and a deficiency of estradiol . It often flares on the lower face , including the jawline , chin , and upper neck , which is considered to be a hormonal pattern for acne .

Many diseases affect the skin , even though they aren ’ t actual skin conditions .

• Acanthosis nigricans - a condition that causes darkened and thickened skin . The skin becomes tan or brown , and may look velvety . Hyperpigmented areas are commonly found on the sides or back of the neck .
• Severe pain during menstruation .
• Missed menstrual cycles or frequent menstrual cycles with heavy flow .
• Difficulty getting pregnant .
• Hyperpigmentation under the arms and in the folds of the skin . This is very commonly found on the neck .
Anxiety , depression , and fatigue .
How Depression Affects Your Skin
Depression is a contributing factor to increased inflammation within our bodies , and it has a significant impact on your skin . Increased Reactive Oxygen Species ( ROS ) plays an active role in the pathophysiology of depression , as does oxidative stress , which is an imbalance of free radicals and antioxidants . Excessive amounts of free radicals cause damage to fatty tissue , DNA , and proteins in your body . Damage to skin cells can cause early signs of aging .
Diagnosis For PCOS
• Medical examination by a physician .
• Blood tests .
• Ultrasound .
72 iS Skin Source