iS Skin Source 2021 Q4 | Page 89

by Sylvia Galelli

Is healthy skin an inside job ? Skincare professionals know without a doubt that great skincare products formulated with uncompromising quality ingredients result in healthier , more vibrant , beautiful skin . Period . At the same time , age-old wisdom dictates , “ You are what you eat .” In other words , skin health comes from within .

So , which is it ? Amazing products or a healthy diet ? The answer is both !
Let ’ s explore nutritional strategies to increase your skin health .

Besides providing energy , food is a source of life-sustaining nutrients , such as vitamins and minerals .

Optimize Nutrients
Yes ! We are what we eat … so this one is an absolute no-brainer . The simplest way to put this into action is to focus primarily on choosing a wide variety of nutrient-dense , natural , organic foods whenever possible .
Protein . When considering protein choices , focus on lean , organic , freerange , and pasture-raised foods ( sometimes labeled as certified humane ). Include choices such as wild-caught fish , lean grass-fed beef , organic poultry , and pasture raised eggs . If you have chosen a vegan lifestyle , include legumes , such as lentils , chickpeas ( think hummus !), and green peas . Some other great choices are chia seeds and quinoa . If you consume dairy , Greek yogurt and cottage cheese are high protein sources . Ideally , choose brands that offer organic and pasture-raised products .
Healthy Fats . Healthy fats are essential for skin health . Salmon is a particularly great choice , as it has a high content of omega 3 ’ s essential fatty acids , which are great for skin , eyes , and the brain - so feel free to indulge ! Avocados , olive oil , walnuts , pecans , macadamia nuts , almonds , chia seeds , and flax seeds are also excellent options .
Avoid Problem Foods . We are all individuals , and as such , have unique food sensitivities that cause inflammation , which can trigger skin conditions . The most common food sensitivities are gluten ( wheat ) and dairy . Also at the top of the food sensitivities list are soy , corn , and peanuts .
Eat The Rainbow
Besides providing energy , food is a source of life-sustaining nutrients , such as vitamins and minerals . Food also provides colourful compounds known as phytonutrients - bioactive plant-produced chemicals that act as switches on your DNA , conferring an abundance of benefits to our cells . The popular concept of the rainbow diet is based on scientific proof of the cellular benefits of plant color . Just how do these powerful phytonutrients relate to skin health ? The answer is a double whammy . They provide both effective antioxidant support and anti-inflammatory benefits ! www . iSSKINSOURCE . com 89