The Purpose and Pathways of Vitamin A Metabolism | by Deidre Ramdhanie cause of aged skin . Therefore , applying the vitamin topically is invaluable .
Vitamin A is a natural component of our body ’ s structure . Our skin contains Vitamin A , just as it does Vitamins C , E , and F . Vitamin F signifies two critical fats for skin health , alpha-linolenic acid , and linoleic acid . Many people throughout the world have a Vitamin A deficiency and aren ’ t even aware . Ultraviolet radiation ( UVR ), other light sources , pollution , lack of a healthy skincare routine , and poor diet depletes our skin of vitamins , lipids , and water . Vitamin A also happens to be severely light-sensitive , more so and in a different way than other vitamins . Scientists in the mid- 1930s concluded that light-induced destruction of Vitamin A was a primary
Each person adjusts and tolerates use of retinoids differently .
The active form of Vitamin A in the skin is technically called retinoic acid . The skin also contains retinoid receptors along the cell membrane , which are required for recognizing and responding to Vitamin A . Depletion of Vitamin A and / or insufficient receptor activation induces aging and other imbalances . Simply put , as we age intrinsically , we lose retinoid receptors , and as we age extrinsically , we lose them faster .
Vitamin A Deficiency Contributes to Many Skin Concerns , Including the Following :
• Altered DNA
• Skin cancer
• Actinic keratoses
• Acne
• Eczema
• Psoriasis
• Wrinkles
• Loss of firmness
• Hyperpigmentation
• Dryness
• Sensitivity
How do we rebuild retinoid receptors in the skin ? By stimulating DNA with Vitamin A .
Since we are perpetually exposed to light and free radical damage , what can we do ? The healthiest practice is to habitually replenish our skin with Vitamin A or some of its derivatives ( retinoids ). Also , you should always wear sunscreen ! After a day of substantial sun exposure , up to one week is required to replace the destroyed
42 iS Skin Source