each other to obtain maximum results . Before we dive deeper into the tremendous benefits of antioxidants , let us first get a solid understanding of one of our mortal enemies : free radicals . Typically , anything free is good , but for radicals , this is not the case .
Free radicals are unstable molecules that can be harmful when an excessive amount accumulates in the body . They are missing electrons from their outer shell , making them unstable . Free radicals search for healthy cells and take their electrons in order to make themselves whole again . When an electron is removed from a healthy cell , the healthy cell is damaged . Free radicals are found everywhere , and you are exposed to them at all times . They are in food , the air we breathe , and even our drinking water . They are produced by environmental factors such as UV radiation ( sun ), ozone , and air pollutants , as well as internal factors . Internally , our bodies naturally produce free radicals as
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