appreciate the relationships between facial structures .
Asymmetry is a gift of nature , providing a distinctive appearance and uniqueness . As the theory of symmetry in facial aesthetics has gained global validity , there must be an awareness that establishing a mirror image from side to side , applying the face-half mirroring technique , may diminish important facial features enhancing natural beauty , thus , creating predictability and averageness in a given facial appearance .
Improving facial aesthetics relies on an understanding of the norms of facial proportions . Although cosmetic interventions are commonly advertised or described based on a single anatomical unit , it is essential to
Most notably , aesthetic clinicians should be mindful of facial ratios when considering the introduction of filler materials or implants . Augmentation procedures at the temples , zygomatic arch , jaw , chin , and lips can alter facial ratios . Therefore , changes should be considered in the context of improving overall facial harmony , with the clinician remaining cognizant of the ideal vertical and horizontal divisions of the face . Aesthetic principles are helpful , but they are only guidelines . People today are appreciating individual uniqueness , and they know that true beauty starts from within .
Internet References :
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