iS Skin Source 2021 Q3 | Page 85

Yes , you educate your clientele , but you must also educate your staff members . Are they confident about your products ? Are they committed to the effectiveness of each one ? Do they know what every product does ? Feels like ? They do not have to recite the chemical formulary , but here a few things your people must know :
• Why do we carry this brand ?
• What are the products within each brand ?
• How do you use each product ?
• Who should use this product ?
• What realistic results can a client expect , and within which timeframe ?
And – very importantly – do your staff members have personal experience with a product or brand line ? If so , they
should be prepared to share it . One great story – one truthful , positive , personal review – can close a sale before the client leaves .
There are many significant aspects to retailing . It is an essential – perhaps too often neglected – part of your business . Retailing will help grow your business , deepen your relationship with your clients , and extend your services outside your door and into their homes . Remember , you are the expert , and your clients look up to you for advice and guidance .
One last thing : If your clients are not buying products from you , they are getting them elsewhere . Why would you want that to happen ?
If your clients trust you as a professional , they will trust the products you carry .
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