iS Skin Source 2021 Q3 | Page 35

by Candace Marino

Standing out in what might be an oversaturated industry in some parts of the world is a common theme I hear among colleagues , especially when it comes to Instagram . However , I ’ m here to tell you that you don ’ t need to try too hard to stand out because we are already individually so unique , and we all have different ways of doing the same thing .

To stand out , you need to know who you are and who you aren ’ t as a brand . You need to determine the clientele you ’ re trying to attract ; it ’ s okay not to be for everyone . Some of the most successful brands that I look up to are the smaller niche brands . Determine who your target client is . Make a detailed list of your goal demographic : Who are they ? What is their age group ? What type

To stand out , you need to know who you are and who you aren ’ t as a brand .

of lifestyle do they live ? How much money do they spend per visit ? These little details matter because having a vision allows you to execute a plan that will help you capture your desired clientele . From there , what is your brand , and what is its purpose ? Having a purpose or a WHY will keep you on your path instead of comparing and competing with others or getting distracted or otherwise off track . What are the vibe and overall aesthetic of your branding ? Does it align with your target audience and attract your goal clientele ?
Relationship Building
This is probably the most essential aspect of building your brand and growing a successful business . The people you win as clients will be your biggest advocates and free promoters . But remember , even after someone has returned several times , you must continue to win them over . I hear so many people speak about clients as if they own them , and the truth of the matter is that every time they rebook or re-purchase , we are lucky to have them choosing to spend their time and money with us . Even when you ’ re booked out months in advance and crushing all of your goals , you should feel a huge sense of gratitude for the people who choose to continue to support you . Win over your clients every time they walk through the door . I always say , you ’ re only as good as your last treatment . Do your best every time to keep the client choosing you . Find ways to build loyalty among your clients – start a referral program , offer incentives , add value , and always be of service to them .
For all new clients , send a handwritten note . This is a nice gesture to thank them for giving you a shot and it ’ s so well received by the client . A handwritten note is so rare these days , and it will let your client know that you are there to support them and truly appreciate their business . www . iSSKINSOURCE . com 35