Now that we have discussed skin type essentials , the difference between dark versus light complexions and their melanin makeup , and some pearls of wisdom on how summer sun affects the skin , let ’ s delve into the 10 Essential Tips for Summer Skincare .
Sunscreen . Sunscreen . Sunscreen .
Let ’ s face it , sunscreen is the most important product you must use all year long , especially in the summer months . Prolonged sun exposure can damage your skin tone and form wrinkles , fine lines , dark spots , or patches .
Along with warmer weather comes longer days with more frequent , and more intense sunshine . While every dermatologist will tell you the importance of wearing sunscreen yearround , they all agree that it ’ s even more important during the warmer months . Wear sunscreen of SPF 30 or higher . Incidental sun exposure , even for only 10 to 15 minutes a day , adds up over time and can cause significant sun damage and accelerated photoaging , hyperpigmentation , and wrinkles . Using a high-SPF sunscreen , SPF 30 at minimum , and SPF 50 ideally , can reduce the accumulation of chronic UV damage that ’ s linked to non-melanoma skin cancer and aging . The American Academy of Dermatology offers a wealth of information on sunscreen and sun safety . 2
Who Needs Sunscreen ? Everyone . Sunscreen use can help prevent skin cancer by protecting you from the sun ’ s harmful ultraviolet rays . Anyone can get skin cancer , regardless of age , gender , or race . In fact , it is estimated that one in five Americans will develop skin cancer in their lifetime .
What Sunscreen Should I Use ? The American Academy of Dermatology recommends everyone use sunscreen that offers the following :
• Broad-spectrum protection ( protects against UVA and UVB rays )
• SPF 30 or higher
• Water resistance
• Water resistant ( effective for up to 40 minutes in water ) or very water resistant ( effective for up to 80 minutes in water ). This means the sunscreen provides protection while swimming or sweating up to the time listed on the label .
It is very important to be aware of what skin type with which you most identify in order to know your ideal summer skin regimen .
A sunscreen that offers the above helps to protect your skin from sunburn , early skin aging , and skin cancer . However , sunscreen alone cannot fully protect you . In addition to wearing sunscreen , dermatologists recommend taking the following