and ‘ rolling ’ scars . These scars are formed when insufficient collagen is made beneath the skin surface while the breakout is healing . Hypertrophic scars are formed when there is too much collagen being made while the breakout is healing . Dark spots are temporary and will usually fade over a few months spontaneously .
Treatment options for acne scarring are versatile and constantly improving . Alpha hydroxyacids ( AHAs ) are a great option for rough acne spots and discoloration as they result in increased exfoliation . They are often found in products that treat acne . Skin peels and retinoids are a great option for discoloration as well as for hypertrophic and hypotrophic scars because they improve the texture , appearance , and pigmentation of the skin . Salicylic acid is a common ingredient in acne products and is beneficial for clearing pores , reducing swelling and redness , and exfoliating the skin . Salicylic acid is useful for discoloration , hypertrophic and hypotrophic scarring . Dermabrasion is an effective treatment that is commonly used to treat acne scars that are shallower and closer to the surface . Microneedling is excellent for hypotrophic scars as it stimulates collagen synthesis via producing small punctures in the skin . These options are selected according to the type of scar present . It is important to realize that reversing a scar is impossible , although improving the appearance of a scar or causing it to
be less noticeable is achievable with these options .
Take Home Points - Prevention and Prompt Treatment
The main points to remember about teenage acne are that prevention and prompt treatment are critical . Prevention includes being proactive about the products being used and consulting with a dermatologist if these products are not working effectively . Seeing a dermatologist allows the patient access to professional-grade products for the skincare regimen . Prompt treatment is also beneficial because it prevents the long-term consequences of acne , including scarring , hyperpigmentation , and adverse psychological effects .