Is Canada Even Real? FREE SAMPLE 1 | Page 9

The Littlest Hobo : Our German Shepherd Guardian Angel T V star could be considered told Star Week in1985. “It unexciting.… The A-Team is exciting. They shoot guns.” Returning to the show, we see that, naturally, Caldwell and the doctor take the only reason- able course of action under the circumstances: they strap a para- chute to the stray and hurl it out of the plane in a storm. “You know, I could swear you’ve done this before,” Caldwell says to a dog with a cure for poisoning attached to his collar and a parachute strapped to his back. Our four-legged hero hops out of the plane as the ran- ger whispers, “Good luck.” The chute deploys and Hobo comes to a reasonably graceless landing in a field. He sprints through a forest and across a creek. We see the toddler’s anxious parents waiting in a medical clinic. Then Hobo walks into the clinic and the attendant im- mediately goes for his neck pack. Obviously, this dog is here with the cure. A perfunctory “good dog” is issued. The toddler is saved. Now, Hobo rests. Only one question remains: How is this even a real show? Oh, and also, all these other questions: 1. Which of these Canadian celebrities guest-starred on The Littlest Hobo? a) Super Dave Osborne b) Mike Myers c) David Suzuki d) Leslie Nielsen 2. How many episodes of The Littlest Hobo were produced by CTV? a) 50 b) 67 c) 18 d) 114 9