The Littlest Hobo : Our German Shepherd Guardian Angel T V star
A nswers
1. Which of these Canadian
celebrities guest-starred on
The Littlest Hobo?
Answer: d) Leslie Nielsen
You get a full mark for Leslie
Nielsen, the Regina-born actor
who gained cred as a dramatic
actor in movies like Forbidden
Planet and The Poseidon
Adventure before coming into
his own as one of film’s finest
deadpan comedians in sublimely
absurd films like Airplane! and
the Naked Gun franchise.
Nielson played it straight as
Mayor Chester Montgomery in
season 1, episode 19, “Romiet
and Julio,” which originally aired
March 20, 1980, and tells the story
of Hobo saving the fate of star-
crossed love.
Regina’s Leslie Nielsen of Littlest
Hobo fame chills on an Airplane!
Award yourself a half-point if
you answered Mike Myers. The
Scarborough super-hoser never
officially guest-starred on The
Littlest Hobo, but he did have a
cameo in season 1, episode 10,
“Boy on Wheels,” in which Hobo
helps a paraplegic boy enter a