Ironman 4x4 Adventure Challenge 2014 Online Edition | Page 5

DRIVER PROFILE: BEN TOOMEY, WA DRIVER PROFILE: KYLE WOHLING, WA HIGHLIGHT HIGHLIGHT The best bit of the event for me was having the chance to race and enjoy the scenery of such a great place like Esperance. Good company, tough competitors and being apart of the toughest comp in Australia. My biggest highlight is definitely Joe Vowles stepping up and shaving his head to raise over $1,300 for our charity (National Breast Cancer Foundation) that was awesome. Absolutely fantastic event and we’ll be back. Cheers Adrian and Lisa Parker. CAR #04 NISSAN PATROL 5.7L UTE Ben Toomey hasn’t had the best IRONMAN 4X4 ADVENTURE CHALLENGE 2014 STATS luck racing the Ironman 4x4 Adventure Challenge and this year was no different when his engine blew during SS5... Ben and Jason Rillstone will have something to prove in 2015. EVENT PLACING: The worst part of the comp for me was blowing my engine on day one, and not having the opportunity to finish the event. But on the upside, I got to return to Perth, grab my family, explore more of Esperance and join the boys for presentations. Giddy up - will be back next year, hopefully to shake up a few Mexicans!! POINTS: STAGE WINS: 12TH 270 0 DRIVER PROFILE: COLM ARTHUR, WA DRIVER PROFILE: DAVE BANTICK, WA HIGHLIGHT NISSAN PATROL 6.0L MWB Colm Arthur lost his Navi in the The stage win at SS17 Rocky Horror and experiencing the camaraderie between all the competitors. week leading up to the Ironman Adventure Challenge and Darren Rafferty stepped in. The pair were really starting to find their groove towards the end of the event. LOWLIGHT No sleep on Monday night due to a late finish and the transport stage followed by being stuck on the lake for 8 hours after making a mistake... CAR #15 IRONMAN 4X4 ADVENTURE CHALLENGE 2014 STATS EVENT PLACING: 13TH POINTS: 195 STAGE WINS: 1 TOYOTA LANDCRUISER 6.0L PETROL Dave Bantick has had his hopes at finishing the Ironman Adventure Challenge shattered when electrical problems ended the event for him on the second stage. HIGHLIGHT CAR #12 Making it to Esperance for the challenge and just getting back into that Cruiser which has so much potential to be the top car. 5| AUGUST 2014 LOWLIGHT IRONMAN 4X4 ADVENTURE CHALLENGE 2014 STATS EVENT PLACING: POINTS: STAGE WINS: 15TH IRONMAN 4X4 ADVENTURE CHALLENGE MAGAZINE PAGE: 0 This was our first event in this car an we had a lot more problems with the car than hoped for. It was thrown together in 3 months and using secondhand parts so probably couldn’t have expected much more. It definitely tested our patience but we pushed on and fixed what we had to and got back into the event to give it our best shot to at least try finish the last stage at Shamrock. We had heaps of fun playing in the mud but we didn’t quite finish the stage due to the rear diff needing to go to the dentist and get some new teeth. All in all we enjoyed every stage we did, they were all different, and they were all a challenge. IRONMAN 4X4 ADVENTURE CHALLENGE 2014 STATS EVENT PLACING: 141 LOWLIGHT Ironman Adventure Challenge and this time he’s built a car all about raising money for the National Breast Cancer Foundation. CAR #3 LOWLIGHT STAGE WINS: 14TH NISSAN PATROL 4.2L PETROL This is Kyle Wohling’s 2nd POINTS: 86 0 I guess the moment that all the dash lights lit up, the car stopped on the dunes and the engine wiring w