Iron man Iron_Man_USA__September_2017 | Page 14



Correcting mistakes and integrating pull-ups into your workouts .

By Raphael Konforti MS , CPT


P ull-ups are one of the first exercises people start performing when they get into fitness to improve their physique and strength . They ’ re frequently performed , but rarely conquered . Seeing a proper pullup is more rare than seeing someone perform a proper squat – a testament to how easy it is to do a pull-up incorrectly . That ends here .

Common Mistakes “ You ’ re not going low enough !” Those words couldn ’ t ring truer here with the addition of not going high enough . The most common mistake with pull-ups is not using a full range of motion from top-to-bottom , which puts muscles at a disadvantage for completing a full contraction . Reducing the amount of force a muscle can create limits muscle damage meaning there ’ s less opportunity to recover and grow back stronger .
The second mistake is improper muscle activation . Pull-ups should primarily target the latissimus dorsi ( lats ). Swinging or using momentum disengages the proper muscles . Furthermore , when the body is swinging , it changes your center of mass . Normally your center of mass is at your midsection within your body . When you swing , the center of mass travels outside of your body altering the resistance . This forces other muscles to activate and take over .
Perfecting The Pull-Up Now that you know what mistakes to look for , let ’ s correct them so you ’ ll have the best pull-up in the gym – not to mention the best back and arms . Always use a full range of motion . At the bottom , your arms should be extended and you should feel a stretch in your lats . To hit the top range of motion , pull until the top of your shoulders line up with your knuckles . That ’ s full range of motion .
The next crucial aspect is proper muscle activation , which requires attention to detail . Although the lats will do the bulk of the work , for proper muscle activation and a healthy back , your shoulder blades need to move through a full range of motion . At the bottom of the pull-up , your shoulder blades should be up towards your neck and extended out to your sides . As you begin the pull-up , start by bringing down your shoulder blades while also adducting or bringing them together . Within your first couple of inches of pulling , your shoulder blades should already be down and together – contracted like the top of a barbell row .
Simultaneously you ’ ll also need to focus on how you ’ re pulling . One of the best-kept secrets to pull-up training is how to pull . To ensure maximal lat activation , you need to pull from your elbows instead of your hands . Think of your hands as attachments to the bar and your elbows as the movers . Pulling from your elbows helps move your shoulder blades and engage your lats so the movement isn ’ t arm dominant . Not only will your lats grow more , you ’ ll also ultimately become stronger .
The final element is timing and breathing . It ’ s important to perform pull-ups in


Barbell Row
Dumbbell Row
Close-Grip Pulldown
Cable Row
Rear Delt Raise
a slow and controlled manner . Aim for two seconds up and two seconds down to eliminate swinging and target the proper muscles . Also , as you pull up breathe in and as you lower breathe out . This may not seem intuitive , however there ’ s sound reasoning : Breathing in at the top expands the ribcage allowing for a full contraction and exhaling at the bottom allows the muscles to fully lengthen creating a greater range of motion .
12 SEPTEMBER 2017 | ironmanmagazine . com