Iron man Iron Man USA August 2017 f | Page 46

close to your body as possible . Lift till you ’ re standing straight up then lower back down keeping a neutral spine .
Single Leg Press Set up on the leg press machine with one leg in the middle of the platform and the other off to the side . Unlock the weight and lower the platform down bringing your knee towards your chest . Press the platform back up stopping just short of locking out . Repeat on the opposite side .
Chin-Up ( Weighted If Possible ) With a shoulder-width grip , grab the bar so your palms face towards you . Pull yourself up until your chin passes the bar . Lower yourself down so your arms reach full extension before starting the next repetition . If you need extra resistance , hold a dumbbell between your legs or use a weighted chain belt .
Standing Alternating Overhead Dumbbell Press Holding one dumbbell in your right hand , raise it to shoulder height so your elbow is directly beneath it . Keeping your torso even , press the dumbbell up then lower it back to the starting position . Repeat on the opposite side .
Bench Press Lie flat on a bench . Grab the bar with a slightly wider than shoulder-width grip . Unrack the bar and lower it to just above your sternum while keeping your feet planted and shoulder blades tight . Press the bar back up stopping just short of locking out .
Lying Prone Row on Incline Bench Start lying face down on an incline bench with your chin just above the top of the bench . Plant your feet firmly on the ground to keep your body in position . Grab two dumbbells and slowly pull them up to your chest . Pause and then lower back to the starting position .
Lying Prone Rear Delt Raise on Incline Bench Start lying face down on an incline bench so your chin is just above the top of the bench . Place your feet firmly on the ground to ensure that your body remains in position . Grab two dumbbells and raise them out to your sides keeping your arms perpendicular to your torso . Raise the dumbbells till your arms are at the same height as your torso . Pause and then lower back to the starting position .
Incline Dumbbell Press Lie down on an incline bench with a dumbbell on each thigh . Using your legs , lift each dumbbell up to your chest one at a time . Lower the weights so they ’ re in line with your upper pecs and above your armpits . Keeping your elbows directly under the dumbbells press up to the starting position .
Incline Dumbbell Flye Lie down on an incline bench with a dumbbell on each thigh . Using your legs , lift each dumbbell up to your chest one at a time . Keeping your arms extended , lower the dumbbells out to your sides so you feel a stretch in your chest . Squeeze your chest and bring both dumbbells back up to the starting position like you ’ re hugging a tree .
Preacher Curl Set up an EZ-curl bar on the preacher rack . Grab the inside of the bar so both palms are slightly angled towards each other . Curl the bar so your elbows go past 90-degrees and squeeze your biceps . Lower the bar back down stopping just short of locking out .
Conventional Deadlift Load a barbell on the floor . Set your feet up hip-width apart with your shoelaces just under the bar . Bend at your hips so your shoulders are directly over the bar and grab the bar as close to your legs as possible . Pull the bar up by extending your hips keeping the bar as
Exercise Ball Rollout Place both elbows on an exercise ball so you ’ re in a plank position . Slowly extend your arms out . Pause and then bring your arms back so your elbows are directly underneath your shoulders .
44 AUGUST 2017 | ironmanmagazine . com