IRON for Life! | Page 5

Improve your iron intake in 3 easy ways :
1 . Include meat , fish and poultry in your diet
Animal products such as meat , fish and poultry contain heme iron . This type of iron is the easiest type for your body to absorb . Eating meat , fish and poultry also helps the body to better absorb non-heme iron from other foods .
2 . Go for “ C ” Add foods rich in vitamin C to your meals . These foods help the body absorb non-heme iron .
Good sources of vitamin C
• green , yellow and red peppers
• oranges , grapefruits , clementines
• strawberries , raspberries , kiwis
• tomatoes and tomato sauce
• cauliflower , broccoli , Brussels sprouts
• 100 % juices ( like orange , tomato )
3 . Avoid tea and coffee during meals
Tea and coffee contain polyphenols , which lower the amount of non-heme iron your body can absorb . Avoid drinking these with meals .