Irish Chess Journal Diciembre 2010 | Page 4

By Jonathan O ’ Connor


By Jonathan O ’ Connor

This letter is part politics , part book review , and part tale
twofold . Firstly FIDE are pressuring us and other national
of woe , but more about my chess later !
federations to encourage coaches and controllers to get
If anyone had asked me a year ago , if I wanted to be part
FIDE qualifications . For instance , FIDE object quite
of the ICU executive , I would have said , absolutely not .
strongly to rating events that are not controlled by a FIDE
So what happened to change me ? Where and when was
or International Arbiter . Establishing the National Arbiter
my Pauline conversion ? During the first half of the year ,
title is a stepping stone for anyone wishing to go for the
some very forthright opinions were expressed on the LCU
FIDE titles . Secondly , encouraging controllers and event
blog about the then ICU executive . Regardless of their
organisers to get qualifications can only improve the
truth or falsehood , the people making these statements
events they run , and reduce the number of mistakes that
annoyed me with their negativity . I am a believer in the
are occasionally made when making a draw , or deciding
maxim : put up or shut up . In June , I decided to run for the
on disputes . Yes , of course , many of us have run
chairmanship . Most of my friends thought I was mad .
tournaments , as I myself have . But I probably only know
They were probably right , but along with the opinions
about 80 % of the rules governing disputes , and while this
about my mental health , there was also a huge range of
is normally enough , for our prestigious events , this would
ideas for the betterment of Irish Chess . Thus , I
not be enough . We will be holding training courses over
announced my interest in the position , and , the rest , as
the next few years , and there will be a theory exam , but
they say , is history .
the main qualification criterion is to have run a number of
Since September , your executive has been working hard
tournaments .
on your behalf . We now have a budget with estimates for
In early November , our women ' s officer and chess author ,
our income , and allocations for our expenditure . This year
Una O ' Boyle , contacted Senator Dan Boyle , who raised
is an expensive year for us , as we have to run the
the issue of the recognition of chess as a sport in the
Glorney and Faber Cup competitions . For those of you
Seanad . Sadly , his timing was somewhat unfortunate , in
who don ' t know , the Glorney is an international junior
that he spoke two days after the Green Party announced
team event for boys . Mr . Glorney gave a bequest to
they would be pulling out of government after the budget
sponsor such a competition , and it has been held
had been passed . Even though we could expect no
annually since 1948 . Until the 90 ' s the competition was
favours from a jilted Fianna Fail , it must be said that Sean
always between Ireland , England , Scotland and Wales .
Haughey , who was responding to Senator Boyle ' s
But in latter years , teams from France , Belgium and
questions , clearly didn ' t believe what he was saying , and
Holland have also played . This year , it looks as if there
found it ridiculous that chess is not recognised as a sport .
will be the original four countries taking part . As our boys
I must admit , that getting chess recognised as a sport
team have come very close the last two years to winning
was not part of my vision , but sometimes opportunities
the competition , we have made it a goal to win the
arise , and one must grab them while one can . I ' m not
Glorney . Our junior officer , Darko Polimac , has organised
going to reveal all our arguments , because our chief
a complete training plan for the team , who will be picked
weapon is surprise ... surprise and cunning ... cunning
early in the New Year by the new selection committee .
and surprise - our two chief weapons are surprise and
Speaking of the selection committee , Gerry Graham is
cunning ... and ruthless efficiency .
stepping down as the chairman after , I don ' t know how
Now enough about politics . When I look back on the year ,
many years , and I would like to thank him for all his good
four events stand out . Firstly , there was the Dun
work in that role . Shannon Clements , who many of you
will remember when he was secretary of the ICU , has
predecessor , Eamon Keogh . What a fantastic event . In
kindly offered to step into Gerry ' s shoes . He is currently
the GM event it was the battle of the Marks , with GM
gathering his committee , and will officially take over on
Mark Hebden winning ahead of our own Mark Quinn and
January 1st .
Mark Heidenfeld . Alex Lopez also scored his second IM
We are introducing some new national titles . We already
norm . Well done Eamon for organising the event , to Gerry
have qualification criteria for the National Arbiter title , and
Graham and Michael Crowe for controlling , to Mark Quinn
in the next few months we will be introducing 2 or 3
for doing the nightly reports , and to Una O ' Boyle for social
training titles . The details are still being worked out . You
and promotional activities .
may ask what benefit does this bring , and the answer is
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I r i s h C h e s s J o u r n a l