Irezumi Irezumi | Page 40

“A real work of art destroys, in the consciousness of the receiver, the separation between himself and the artist.” - Leo Tolstoy There are endless methods to express what we are thinking and feeling to others, and art happens to be one of the most creative approach. It enables an instantaneous bond to be formed between the creator and the receiver of the subject. For centuries, we have conveyed our ideas, opinions, feelings, anything that is in our minds. We feel connected and empathetic towards the symbolic connotations as a function of communication. rather the image of the role that the person was assigned to. But tattoos are capable of breaking down that boundary. Jung discovered that archetypes, symbols or motifs, are composed of negative elements, the factors that we do not openly express for fear it would be a source of shame from society. As well as positive traits such as empathy but a person might repress it if it doesn’t fit with their persona in the particular social situation. Irezumi, or any tattoos, are something that you earn. It is an homage to family, culture, history, nature. The reason we feel a strong connection with these motifs is because these symbols and the myths of them permeate our thinking in a conscious and subconscious levels. We have a ‘persona’, the image that we choose to present to the exterior world and it is drive by the force of our thoughts, ideas and memories. It is what we wish to project to others. On the other hand, the way we construct the appearance of these mental states can be influenced by our social environment. An example would be where a father may adopt traits which he considers to be typical of a father - serious or disciplining, rather than those which reflect his actual personality. Jung believed that by acquiring and allowing the qualities of our archetype to co-exist on the surface, we will be able to achieve individuation and realize our true self. Irezumi is a depiction of our unconsciousness. People choose particular images and symbols for a reason, not only because it appeals to them but because it provides them an opportunity to express themselves in a symbolic manner. Psychologist Carl Jung, who dedicated his life to investigate the relationship of recurring patterns and symbols with the minds of a human, theorizes that the outward persona at times, is not a true reflection of our consciousness, but 37 Editorial’s Note How does one achieve that? Through lines, colors, shape, form and movement, feelings and emotions are transferred as a bridge across time and the transition of culture. The purpose of Creative expressions is also to define the factors that makes up a human being. If we were unable to perceive the forms that we see within something that is art, it would have meant that we are unable to receive the thoughts instilled within the image and in turns, we are no better than animals. We would have been more hostile and separate from one another if human lack the capacity to understand the purpose of the art. What makes art, ‘art’? Tolystoy further expresses that, “The artist should be impelled by an inner need to express his feeling.” It should be sincere as you are drawing the depths of your most private and personal consciousness out in the open. The infectiousness of the art increases by the level of sincerity within the art. This is why different manners of creative mediums manages to resonate within the masses, even if you don’t personally know the creator. There is always a reason behind someone’s choice to select a certain point of their lives and look upon it with utmost importance than anything else. There is a rich history behind Japanese tattoos. Irezumi is not only a depiction of the self but holds the essences and codes of their culture and interpretation of the world. From spiritual forces, to psychological depths of their nationality. There will be people that disagree or dismiss such values, but there will be someone that identifies with the meanings behind the recurring motifs and choose to express a part of themselves through it. People mature and recognizes their self in the process of getting one and co-existing with these series of images. No matter is it something mythical or what’s real, it is meant to share about a person and bring everyone together through the united understanding in the recognition of a solid image within people of all ages. It is a timeless art that stretches far beyond a simple depiction of an individual. It is the whole of the universe.