Irezumi Irezumi | Page 27

social norms and distinguishing characteristics from symbolic figures . By implementing these thoughts in an almost subdued way , is the reinforcement from the Japanese people to make these nationalistic thoughts almost an instinctual part of their people . We tend not to express in a straightforward manner but when it is presented in a subtle manner , say a tattoo , those who truly understands the core and the subjective thoughts of the peculiar heritage would be responsive to it and that is a way for us to identify the ideology of both the owner of the tattoo or the recipient who feels a connection towards it , as well as a method to present a prototype of our nationality and culture .
Bearing the label of “ the origin of the sun ” is not all talk , they believe that Japan is the first divine creation from a universal force of this world . This is the pride and honor that they put into their history and culture and they strived to seek it back , given that Shintoism translates to “ the way of the divine beings ” from Chinese . These animistic thoughts allow the Japanese to see that nothing is truly morally wrong , for anything is actually considered as a Kami . Kami is not a divine being like god but the fundamentals of the natural world . In fact , they are rather similar to humans as they live in the same plane and they behave like humans .
Good and Evil ?
Mythical creatures such as the kitsune are often described as mischievous but are associated with wisdom as well . This is a human condition , the nurturing of one ’ s character . They simply only have a different physical form than what ’ s considered normal to the rest of the world . The main aspect of philosophy in Shintoism is that everything was born with a pure state . There is no clear definition of what ’ s vile or virtuous . Until humans grow to have perception . We assembled the forms and shapes and senses within our line of sight and combined it with our own expectations , experiences , moods and cultural norms . To make sense of something from our own position . And this often led to disagreement within the intention of a tattoo . Because some let other ’ s judgement interfere with the implication of the art and turn something that was normal , into something not normal . Part of the Shintoism practice was to understand that the nature of a human runs deeper than classifying an individual as good or evil .
“ Purity ” can be found in the heart of every single being and what we called “ impurity ” or “ sins ” are resulted from the later parts of the life cycle . Tsumi is the pollution to our wellbeing or character , which would be the possession of a malicious nature .
In Hayao Miyazaki ’ s film , there is a consistent theme of his characters being purged and cleansed of evil . Every creatures takes on a different appearance but they all co-exist together in harmony . The entire existence is joined as a single complexation . Kami help to bring the people to a state of holiness and pureness spiritually . The strong belonging towards these holy beings is what brings the community together than any other forms of commonality . Their choice to display this breath of life in their original form , as animals which became major icons of their nation and carries on as a soundless exhibition .