Irezumi Irezumi | Page 13

Ink To Religion Japan only entered modernization and started accepting influences from the West after the prominent rise of tattoos. The shogun closed off ports to specific countries such as China and the Netherlands, until 1853. They were quite secluded, but it also established a period that allowed them to cultivate their own culture and find back the essences of Japanese traditions. Buddhism , Shintoism, and Confucianism . These are Japan’s three major religions and their timeless impact resonates within Japanese tattoos and thus, develops the perceptions that the Japanese community holds from the past, to the present. If you think that Irezumi are simply images of flowers or exotic women, think again. It is not simply art; it is the work of a craftsman. It takes high level of skills to be familiar with the way of the Tebori method compared to using modern tattooing machines. These tattooist take their art more serious than anyone could imagine. They spend countless hours learning and understanding the way different symbols, images work and how to apply them in certain manners or locations of the body. All this consideration and dedication to learning about the stories behind the images, is what truly let the rich traditions and culture of Japan shine through from the wearer and the tattooist themselves. These iconographies have various levels of meaning that cannot be interpreted without a cultural context. It is not just being in someone else’s shoes, it is being part of the Japanese community and their values. Silence is more eloquent than words. Flowers , are a fatal existence. Its beauty is incomparable to any other when it blooms, but eventually it would falter. The idea of Buddhism is that anything, beautiful or not, is fleeting. Inspired by this, there was an air of melancholy over the aristocracy class who were still at the top of society and they were expected to contemplate over the transience of existence. Buddhism in particular, was such an influential religion that their aesthetic ideals manifested into the act of preserving the impermanent beauty around them through abstract ways. Tattoos are a capture of such united beliefs. 10