Ire 1 | Page 8

Mallory 8 Ireland is can of soda. Its citizens’ energy is always fizzing, Their personalities so bubbly and full of life. But if they are shaken, their rage causes them to explode out of the can. The moments are savored to the very last drop Ireland is like a can of soda Ireland is a fire. Untamable and free Its spirit wild and unrelenting The people’s locks are vibrant and red The fun is always blazing Ireland is a fire. Ireland is a party. Lasting for what seems like forever Non-stop fun and drinking No worries or sorrow Saving all the sadness for tomorrow Ireland is a party Ireland is fried chicken The culture is delicious And the taste never gets old. St. Paddy’s day is always golden. Their wits are always crisp Ireland is fried chicken. Ireland is a crayon box. They are all crayons, but each one is different. Their stories make a beautiful work of art. Together they form a whole. They each blend perfectly together. Ireland is a crayon box.