Mallory 5
are nowhere near horrific for the country of Ireland, their reputation of being heavy drinkers still
stands along with their stereotype of having red hair. Because of this alcoholic spiral, there are
currently approximately 110,000 children under the age of fourteen in Ireland living in families
affected by alcohol abuse. Unless Ireland chooses to change this retched pattern, these children
will most likely affect their future families with the same fate they suffered.
Although it is a difficult task to complete, there are ways that Ireland can change this
alcoholic path of destruction that their country has been following for centuries. Ireland’s
government can install more rehabilitation facilities for the country’s more affected alcohol
abusers. The country could also begin more operations such as AA (alcoholic anonymous), a
program used in America that helps support recovering alcoholics. One of the easiest ways to
raise awareness of alcohol would be to start informing school children at a young age the horrors
and effects of becoming an alcoholic. Because of the high amount of alcohol abusers in Ireland,
more than a handful of the countries children have been negatively exposed to an alcoholic
family member or friend. Filling the child’s mind with helpful facts would positively impact
these youth’s futures. Without being informed and guided, these children will very likely follow
down their elders’ footsteps of alcoholism. Television and other media campaigns showing
public service announcements, such as the ones shown in the United States about tobacco and
meth, disclosing the less than pretty aspects of alcohol would also curve the common opinion
held about alcohol and show the public more than just the positive effects of the alcohol they
hold so dear to them.