Parents, contact Kirstie ([email protected]) if you would like to join
the I.P.C. GroupMe group to stay informed and view pictures.
Don't delay! The youth group is attending the Chris Tomlin and
Matt Maher Concert on November 9, at 7 p.m. at the Civic Center.
A limited amount of tickets have been reserved. Claim your ticket
before it’s too late! Contact [email protected] for information.
I.P.C. Youth has adopted Kiara Goicochea, a 7-year-old girl living
in La Esperanza, Peru through PeruMission. The youth will have a
collection each Sunday during Sunday School to meet our financial
obligation of $50 a month for Kiara. Kiara's birthday is September
25. If you would like to contribute in any way to Kiara, please
contact the youth office or bring it to the youth Sunday School room.
Kiara Goicochea of La Esperanza, Peru.
is a 7–year–old with an upcoming birth-
day on the 25 th of September. She
lives with her mom, dad, brother and
uncle. Kiara loves pink, her dolls and
her favorite class in school is math. The
Student Ministry has sent her one pink–
dressed doll and is raising $50 a month
through weekly collections at Youth
Sunday School classes. Please keep Kiara in your prayers as well
as PeruMission and our own Jessica Wiggins as she labors in
There is Room at the Table
had never experienced the Lord’s Supper at a table before.
Neither had my wife for that matter; needless to say, we
were both excited to participate fully when the time came. That
morning I found myself seated next to my wife across from and
next to folks that were strangers to us, yet in that moment were
also family. Certainly it was and will continue to be a foretaste
of that coming wedding feast where we will join Abraham,
Isaac, and Jacob along with representatives of every nation,
tribe and tongue at the heavenly table as one redeemed family. There is room.
Yet, there was one aspect in particular which left the strongest
impression on my wife and me. When we looked to our left,
despite the call to fill in the benches, there was a long stretch
of empty space. Both Jaimie and I, upon noticing the void,
thought the same thing. I share this by way of encouragement to you, my brothers and
sisters at I.P.C., who have believed and come and have accepted
our family with great joy and warmth. You have done what
was commanded. You have been hospitable to strangers. Truly,
our delayed moving van has provided us the opportunity to
There are still seats at the table waiting to be filled. As Jesus
said by way of a parable, there “was a king who gave a wedding
feast for his son (Matt. 22:2).” Having invited many guests,
some refusing and others accepting, the servants return from
their task of inviting to the king with a report “Sir, what you
have commanded has been done, and still there is room (Luke
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