IPC Messenger 2017 May 2017 | 页面 4

college & Career ministry College MInistry I will be leading our College Bible Study this summer, so please also be in prayer: that our covenant children will be encouraged in their faith while home for the summer and that the Lord might be pleased to bring many that are not a part of our immediate circle into our fellowship. One of our highest hopes would be to engage SCAD students that are here over the summer and that we would be able to develop a core group to continue the study into the fall quarter. The Lord has placed our church in the middle of SCAD's campus — we must reach SCAD students! Tim Shaw Pastoral Assistant May 7 College Sunday School class begins at 9:30 a.m. in the Administration Building, 2 nd Floor Classroom #72. Peter Gibson Peter will be our Summer Intern following his graduation from Wheaton College. Peter will be working with our college group and student ministry group. He will arrive mid-May and remain until August. May 17 College Summer Bible Study Kick-off. Join us for hamburgers and hotdogs with all the trimming. Location TBA. Career Ministry Please continue to pray for our Thursday Night Bible Study — that it would be a gateway for many young professionals to meet Jesus and to become a vibrant part of His body, the Church! Over the next few months, many young people will move to Savannah for internships or jobs or grad school, so if you meet one of them, please send them my way! Tim Shaw Pastoral Assistant Evan Gear Evan will be our new Pastoral Assistant following his graduation from Westminster Seminary of California. Evan, Jaimie and 2 daughters are also expecting a new arrival this June, their first son and brother. They plan to be with us for one year, beginning this July. PAGE 4 MAY 2017 IPC