IPC Messenger 2017 August 2017 | Page 3

Moral Concerns Music Ministry On Friday, August 18, the 6 and 7 grade students are invited to my house for supper and games. I would love to fill my house with young people!! The party is from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. Soon it is time to shift our attention to our fall semester. In August-early September, we will once again have 2 weeks of Men’s Chorus, and 2 weeks of Women’s Chorus. The schedule is as follows: th th Rehearsals for the Men’s Chorus August 9, August 16 - 6:30 p.m. Singing on August 13 and August 20 Rehearsals for Women’s Chorus: August 23, August 30 - 6:30 p.m. Singing on August 27 and September 3 FULL rehearsals begin on: Wednesday, September 6: 6:30-8:30. Sanctuary Choir is open to any adult who has a love of singing, can carry a tune, and has some knowledge of singing a part. No audition is required. Please consider joining. Chapel Choir (2 nd -5 th grade) — Will begin Sunday, September 10, at 7:00 p.m. Youth Choir-Middle/High School (6 th grade-12 th grade) — Will begin Sunday, September 17, at 4:00 p.m. This year, as last year, the 6th grade students are invited to join the Middle/ High School Choir. I hope all 6 th - 12 th grade students will prayerfully consider joining. In Christ’s service, —KATHRYN VAN ECK MESSENGER S Update From the Sidewalk o many things have changed in the past year, both at the abortion mill in Savannah and in the Pro-Life work going on in the Low Country. Progress is being made and the battle for life continues in new and different ways. The evil at work in abortion is making itself abundantly more clear and visible. The abortion mill, called the Savannah Medical Clinic at 120 E. 34th Street in Savannah, continues to be open and has been quite busy—much busier than last year. Surgical abortions are performed on Thursdays and Fridays each week, and there are usually five or six women already waiting at the door before the clinic opens at 8:30 a.m. Chemical abortions, e.g. the “abortion pill” are available Monday through Friday. Prayer Warriors and Sidewalk Counselors continue to be at the abortion mill on Thursday and Friday mornings. The Stork Bus ultrasound van is usually parked at the corner of Abercorn & 34th Street on Friday mornings as well. It is staffed by a nurse who is also trained as an ultrasound technician. The atmosphere at the abortion mill is still that of a battle ground. Women and men curse us more frequently, clinic staff call Law Enforcement regularly to file false reports, and the clinic staff leave the clinic to physically come and get anyone that may have stopped to talk with us on the sidewalk. These things are meant to quiet or stop us, but they embolden us all the more. It is visible proof that Christ is having a great effect on the enemy, and it encourages us to pray more confidently and to more boldly share the Bible. We are able to direct women to the Savannah Care Center directly across the street for assistance, or to the ultrasound van. A young Reformed Baptist preacher joins us most Friday mornings and he preaches directly from The Word to all in the abortion mill. There is a Muslim mosque directly across the street also and all who go there for Friday noon prayers also hear the preaching of The Word. We estimate that 60-70 surgical abortions are performed each week at the abortion mill. These must be reported to the government by law. However, any medical practice or phys ician’s office August 2017 that does 50 abortions or less per year does not have to report. That translates into approximately 60 million (and counting) unreported abortions. This is equal to the populations of Georgia, Florida, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Alabama and Kentucky. This is a stupefying number of abortions. These numbers were shared at our last Moral Concerns Committee meeting by Ms. Paula Kinard of the Coastal Empire Right To Life. She also discussed the changes that are taking place in the Pro-Life Community of the Low Country. An organization called THRIVE in St. Louis, MO is the most cutting edge Pro-Life organization in the U.S. It has a long- standing, measurable history of success in both Missouri and Florida with plans to open THRIVE centers all over the U.S., including Savannah. THRIVE is so successful because it is a women’s healthcare system that is the antidote to Planned Parenthood. It is staffed by nurses “with a Christian missionary mind-set.” THRIVE provides a medical clinic, mobile unit, education and awareness training (Date Rape, Abstinence, STD’s, Self-Defense classes, etc.) as well as a successful education program in the public school system called “Best Choices.” Additional information about THRIVE can be found at: www. ThriveStLouis.org. The office of the Savannah THRIVE center will be directly across the street from Planned Parenthood on E. 71st Street. More information on this exciting development to come in the future. We invite you to join us on the sidewalk in prayer on Thursday or Friday mornings. Statistics show that when we are there praying, up to 75% of women DO NOT show up for their appointments. Our God is limitless in His power and His mercy. We continue covet your prayers and your encouragement, and we thank you for your faithfulness in prayer and your support of the I.P.C. Moral Concerns Committee. Romans 10:10 says: “Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.” Respectfully submitted, —SUSIE WILLIAMS PAGE 3