IPC Messenger 2017 April 2017 | Page 2

Grace-based Parenting from page 1
Prayer and doctrine
Parents also vow to pray on behalf of and indoctrinate their children . “ Pray with ” points to the discipline of family prayer . “ Pray for ” implies all manner of prayer : private , in families , and public . Our children should grow up hearing their parents ’ voices pleading for their souls , leading to their conversion , or haunting them all the way to the grave . The Bible promises : “ The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much ” ( Jas 5:16 , NASB ). As Ambrose ( c 340- 397 ) promised Augustine ’ s mother Monica prior to her son ’ s conversion , “ Surely the son of so many tears will not perish .”
They will also “ teach ( them ) the doctrines of our holy religion .” Undoubtedly previous generations of Reformed Protestants would have understood themselves to be promising to catechize their children , utilizing the exceptionally convenient tools of the Catechism for Young Children and the Shorter Catechism . Taking these two disciplines together , prayer and teaching , a venue for doing so is implied .
Again , regular family devotions are in view .
All means
Finally , parents vow to “ strive , by all the means of God ’ s appointment ” to bring them to Christ . What does this mean ? There is little doubt as to what it means in the context of a Presbyterian baptism . It means parents are to establish the disciplines of the family altar and the family pew . The “ means of God ’ s appointment ” are the ordinary means of grace , the word , sacraments , and prayer . Parents are promising to bring their children to the weekly services of the church where they will be exposed to the preaching of the word , the public prayers of the church , the singing of praises , and the regular administration of the sacraments . Conscientious parents will have their children present in the public services of the church morning and evening , week in and week out , all the while those children are under their authority .
They will also conduct daily family worship in which Scripture is read , praises are sung , and prayers are offered . Why ? Because faith comes by hearing the word of Christ ( Rom 10:17 ); because we are born again by the living and abiding word ( 1 Pet 1:33-35 ); because we grow by the pure milk of the word ( 1 Pet 2:1 , 2 ); because the gospel is the power of God for salvation ( Rom 1:16 ); because through prayer we find grace to help in time of need ( Heb 4:16 ).
Because we believe in original sin , we know that a supernatural work of the Holy Spirit will have to take place if our children are to become believers . Since this is the case , our parenting will aim from the beginning to restrain their natural idolatry , intemperance , and ego-centricity by negative means : correction , discipline , frequent use of the word “ no ,” punishment for disobedience , insistence upon immediate obedience . Our parenting will insist upon self-control , expect deference to adults , and require delayed gratification . We will also utilize positive means : lots of love , lots of affection , lots of fun , and prayer , doctrine , devotions , and church .

— TLJ student ministries

April 14 • Hide Eggs at Point Pleasant April 21-23 • Choir Trip
Middle School Fellowship 7:00-7:55 every Sunday
High School Fellowship
6:30-8:30 every Wednesday
High School Small Groups 7:00-7:55 every Sunday
Youth Choir
4-5 every Sunday
Gals ’ Prayer Breakfast
6:40-7:25 every Tuesday morning at the downtown Panera
( Youth Guys are encouraged to join the men ’ s prayer breakfast on Tuesday mornings 6:30-8:00 in the I . P . C . Fellowship Hall .)

Music Ministry

Thank you to everyone that hosted Bryan College Choir students on March 11 . The choir was a wonderful addition to our morning worship service on March 12 , and your willingness to host aided their presence with us .

The Sanctuary Choir is currently preparing anthems for Maundy Thursday , Easter , the Kirkin ’ Service and worship services through June . We will be taking the month of July off . If you are interested in singing with the choir , anytime is a good time to join us — Wednesday nights , 6:30-8:30 p . m . You are always welcome .
The Youth Choir is preparing music for the Youth Choir trip- April 21-23 . We will leave church at 4:00 p . m . on Friday , April 21 . On Sunday , April 23 , we will sing for the Sovereign Grace Presbyterian Church in Charlotte , N . C .
The Chapel Choir will have a Summer Waves adventure on May 20 . The children will sing for the last time this season on May 21 .
Please continue to support the music ministry of our church with your prayers . In Christ ’ s Service , Kathryn Van Eck