ION INDIE MAGAZINE September 2016, Volume 28 | Page 61
song, has its share of shifts in tempo; stout rhythm work from Landon and Coady and hot guitar to make me wanna go back
and listen to this track again--but not right now…I need “first impressions” from four more tracks.
“She Don’t Mind” leads us in with some very appealing acoustic guitar work. The song plays well to Amoriello’s vocal strength
throughout, as the speed and heaviness of the song increases. I find it to be a well orchestrated piece of music, with what I
feel to be bluesy hooks; strong, yet, not overbearing. This is a song, I believe we should find on rock radio today. Another winner
track from Charm City.
“Mother’s Love & Ignorance”--by now, 3 tracks in to “FN EP”, it has become apparent to me at this point that the guys in From
Nothing have no desire to let you get lulled to sleep. The song is wrought full of changes in tempo. My opinion, as the reviewer,
is that the strength of Amoriello’s vocals are better played to in “She Don’t Mind” than in this song, not discounting the fact
that is still a good song with parts that will drive you to throw up your devil horns--while allowing you brief pauses to appreciate
the lyrics of the song--before slamming forward in overdrive again.
“Manic…AND THE RACE TO HELL”: very appropriately named song. The beginning of the song has a dark, deep feel to it. It has
that manic feel. It, true to form, has the tempo changes that keep you engaged. There are parts of this song that will put you
into a mindset that you are in the throes of a speed metal addiction in a race to hell, but then it yanks you back to that bluesy,
dark manic feel.
“Super”, is just a straight-up fun, party song that I can see a band ending their set with. It is definitely different than any other
song on this CD and a great way to end it.
Baltimore, you once again show why you are a strong hard rock scene. Overall, From Nothing plays to its strengths. The song
writing, the constant changes in tempo, the musicianship, and Amororiello’s gravelly vocals, just mesh together very well and
are all things that make “Fn EP” a solid release. My personal favorite is “She Don’t Mind”. I would recommend you give it a
listen and after you do, spend a few a few bucks and add it to your collection. After all--the fate of music is in your hands and
wallets. • •