ION INDIE MAGAZINE October 2015, Volume 17 | Page 8
Dagda: You mention that your fingers
are antennae. Tell me, what you are
receiving when on stage. It is clear that
you are physically doing this.
Eric: We have radio waves and other
types of transmissions that exist even
though we can’t see them; they actually
are doing something. You can watch
your TV, talk on your phone, listen to
music, NASA can speak with the space
station. We can see the outcome of these
energy waves. There are also brain waves
and other energy waves. You have two
arms [Eric was showing me his fingers]
and 10 fingers that can pick up these
energies. I think that the reason that kings
have a crown with points, churches with
tall pinnacles, buildings with elaborate
obelisks--they were all meant to receive
energy communications. Why does
everything come to a pinnacle, and that,
ironically, is the name of our new album,
Pinnacle? If you can believe that a piece
of metal like an antennae can receive,
then living biological fingers can certainly do the same. Just like anything, if
something can receive, it can emit. You can speak into a microphone, and the speaker
will become your voice or music. Anything that is electronic like that can receive and
emit. So that is what my fingers are used for when I am on stage; sending and receiving
energies. That is why when you see an animal that is sick, you pat that animal [as he
raised his hand in display] to make them feel better. You can see it happen right away
in how the animal responds when I channel my energy through my hand into the
animal. I’ve done it with my dying animals and they seemed to be more at peace. The
universe is all part of itself. Therefore, we are part of the earth, stars and part of the
universe. You usually see me do this when the drum solo is playing. I cut the guitar out
and it becomes tribal. The universe runs on vibrations and numbers. I am connecting
with that tribal energy, also with the people in the audience, and the universe. This
whole thing at once converges to create an awakening experience that releases and
unblocks the chakras, so the energy in the body flows from the toe to the head.