ION INDIE MAGAZINE October 2014, Volume 5 | Page 78
flow through you, for none of us has the power to fight what has already happened. Grab hold of your passion,
should it be writing, singing, playing, painting… let it fill your mind with visions you cannot describe with
words alone. Do you feel that? Maybe I need to word it differently…
By Shawn Joseph
Fear not the wind
It already blows
Carry no more pain
It forever grows
Believe in no doubt
Everything bleeds
Torment is internal
Don’t be reckless with your seeds
Strength in harmony
Crescendo until the end
There is no room for fading
Your song has just began
You there, yes you…has inspiration taken its hold on you, choked you from breathing the air the surrounds
you? Are you suffocating in society? If you would like to share your art with the world, if you happen to be a
lyricist, a songwriter, or even a musician who diddles with words, send me something good to read and I will
share it with the world! Send your submission to [email protected]. Please include your name
as you would like to see it published, as well as your band affiliation, so that we can lead more fans your
way! While you are at it, send me a link to your band’s Facebook page.
Until next time, my Chaos will stew inside of my brain. I will try to keep it contained just for you.