ION INDIE MAGAZINE November 2015, Volume 18 | Seite 64

JP: If you could jam with any musicians alive or dead, who would they be? Nicholas: ERIC CARR--such a heavy hitter. Marcus: This is such a sappy answer, but honestly, my dad. I only really got involved with music after he passed, and my family always tell me they see so much of him in me. I just always wonder what it’d be like. JP: How can the readers of ION INDIE keep up with the latest HAVEN news? M a r c u s : Yo u c a n  n d u s o n Yo u Tu b e a t We’re still messing around with a ton of video equipment, but we plan to be on there on a weekly basis in the near future. Obviously there’s Facebook and Twitter too, which are w w w. f a c e b o o k . c o m / H AV E N M U S I C O F F I C I A L a n d, respectively. But if you really want to get involved with the HAVEN community, be sure to subscribe to us on YouTube. JP: Any last words for the readers of ION INDIE MAGAZINE? Nicholas: We’re here.