"expecta ons". For example, there's nothing wrong with being sexy, but let's redefine what
"sexy" truly means. For every compliment that's given to a woman's body, let's add a
compliment that has to do with her intelligence or passion. Basically what I'm saying is--in
this world it's important for women to constantly be reminded to prac ce self-love--and
actually, that goes for everyone regardless of gender!
JP: What was the last song you listened to on your playlist?
MW: The last song I actually listened to on my playlist was "Slowly" by YOTTO, during my run
today. Yes, I appreciate other genres as well--lol. Actually, as a snowboarder and the first
emcee in the genre that really embodies the sport, I have been wri ng songs that I know
myself and other “shredders” will love when cu ng up the ice…and those tracks are also
part of my new releases coming soon.
JP: Anything you'd like to add?
MW: Yes--stay original. Authen city is the key to greatness. People will try and shape you,
but love the skin you're in. Every great success story starts with a dream, and the brave
person who believed in their dream. It's true…what doesn't kill you will only make you
stronger. So gear up your mind, body, spirit-- and work for YOUR vision! The only one who
can ever stop you from greatness is you!