MIRANDA WRITES thrives on posi vity. Her role in a male dominated genre is quite clear;
she is crea ve, respects the culture, and spreads a posi ve message of peace and love. As a
member of the ALMIGHTY UNIVERSAL ZULU NATION, she has been acclaimed by
genera ons of Hip Hop fans, new and old.
As an MC, Ms. Writes is able to bring about her posi ve message with clever wordplay and
clear annuncia on. Her beat selec on is on point and produc on crisp and clear. As CEO of
her own company, LPD (Light Prevails Dark) ENTERTAINMENT, Miranda Writes is churning
out some dynamic products in the form of both video and music. She raps about her
everyday life and observa ons. She keeps balance by icy cold “shredding” (snowboarding)
and red hot yoga.
Momentum is a funny thing…when you are spiraling down, it seems to move a breakneck
speed. But when you are ascending, it seems to happen at a much slower rate. I've watched
Miranda Writes slowly rising for the be er part of two years. She has aligned herself with
Hip Hop royalty and remains an inspira on to all young people, regardless of their taste in
music. You can check out Miranda Writes at www.mswrites.com.