ION INDIE MAGAZINE May 2015, Volume 12 | Page 72

things took a “ turn ” and album covers began to display men peeing on a stone structure and there was the image of a man with skin tight jeans with a functional zipper . And even the lyrics themselves began to test the boundaries of parental tolerance .
I remember when Elton John released “ Bitch is Back ”. This was pretty racy stuff . Little did I realize that in actuality , Elton was speaking about himself . However , I do remember a classmate ’ s mother confiscating that record and breaking it . And , by today ’ s standards , this particular song was not so bold . I am amazed at what is aired by some radio stations … and television . Look at “ Naked and Afraid ”! I recently turned to my better half , J . B ., and said , “ Who ’ d have thunk … bare booty trotting around on prime time television ?” Back in “ the day ” I remember watching the shower scene from Psycho and imagining that I saw a flash of “ nip ” and feeling embarrassed because my father was watching it too . Back to albums …