Wolves By Jon Robinson
you profit from fear and hate hording wealth and amassing power the wolves have been unleashed we will not submit or cower it ' s humanity ’ s darkest times we are ruled by thieves and liars content in their gilded towers our future is looking bleak
do you realize what you ' ve done you judge us all in terms of worth our wealth is more than just a sum do you realize what you ' ve done
the American dream is dead there ' s no more white-picket fence it ' s been replaced by shackles of debt now pay attention when you look in your children ' s eyes you ' ll see their future listen when they say
do you realize what you ' ve done you judge us all in terms of worth our wealth is more than just a sum do you realize what you ' ve done
and now the Wolves are at your door screaming so they can ' t be ignored this doesn ' t have to come to war but we ' ll bow down no more
we will never bow to you never bow to you you ' re not kings you ' re nothing recount your indiscretions no more lies answer now do you realize what you ' ve done