I ’ ve been on this Pursuit since 1986 , with all the commitments and sacrifices that go with it--jobs , friends and family have all taken a hit because of it . My wife and I made the decision not to have children , because the demands of a music career are usually not compatible with being a good parent . Today , the world--and the music business--doesn ’ t look the way it did when I started . After a long and difficult time of soul-searching , we decided to start a new chapter .
I have now been working for a year in a tech startup that I ’ m very excited about . CJ and I are back among friends and co-workers that share my new passion as well as my faith . That means , for the first time in the last four decades , I have made a decision to step away , and not make music the priority in our lives . It will always be a part of our lives , just not The Pursuit .
But by all means , don ’ t let my story discourage you from your Pursuit . Someone has to write great songs and make the music that the world will know and love for generations . I hope the fire for your Pursuit never fades .
May your Pursuit rock your lives and change the world !
Editor ’ s note : I cannot express how much I ’ ve valued Paul ’ s role and his contributions to ION Indie Magazine . His knowledge of the music industry is vast , and we are a better publication due to his wisdom and input . He will always be considered a member of the ION family ! We wish Paul and CJ the absolute best in all of their endeavors ! ~ Kiki Plesha / Editor-in-Chief , ION Indie Magazine
Paul Bordenkircher has spent the last three decades building a wide base of knowledge in the fields of studio production , live sound , publishing , marketing and promotions . Mesa Sand Music offers independent artists the kind of background and knowledge gained only from hands-on experience in the challenging entertainment industry . He ' s also the developer for SongNook , an organizational tool for songwriters , at www . SongNook . com and his Music Biz Blog is at www . mesasand . com .