Kiki : What would Zale , the artist of today , advise Zale , the artist of 5 years ago , regarding the music industry ?
Zale : This is a great question . Today ’ s Zale would tell past Zale to find beauty in the process and don ’ t be so product oriented in the studio . She would tell her to be willing to wait for the best possible show opportunities , not the ones that come the quickest . She would tell her to let her failures fuel her not tame her . She would tell her to hire a really good PR person .
Kiki : If you could share one of your favorite experiences that involved an interaction with a fan … what would that be ?
Zale : A fan a couple years ago took off her necklace after a long hug and said , “ My niece made this for me out of an onyx stone before she passed . I want you to have it for a safe and successful life .” I didn ’ t know what to say . I wear it at every show now .
Kiki : What defines “ success ” for you ?
Zale : I ask myself what success is very often . Honestly , I am still figuring it out . I think it would be making a living playing original music for people that want to listen . I would also love a Grammy and family of my own .
Kiki : Many , MANY years from now when you leave this Earth , what is the legacy by which you ’ d like to be remembered … and what message are you leaving future generations through your music ?
Zale : I want people to say that I wasn ’ t afraid to be myself and be provocative to make the world a better place through the powerful catalyst of music . I hope I am leaving messages of hope , love , connection , and empowerment through my songs . I hope people will see that we are more alike than we are different .
Kiki : What absolutely bugs the bejeezus out of you ? And what rocks your socks ?
Zale : I hate when people bail or cancel last minute . Just show up , dude . Time is money . And I get my socks rocked pretty easily . I am an enthusiastic person . Short list : cake , thrift shopping , hiking , making new friends .
Kiki : Out of the songs you ’ ve written , which most bares your soul ?
Zale : Hard to say ; they are all my babies ! Probably “ Maze ” --which depicts an inner struggle to escape from a toxic life I ’ ve created for myself . Sometimes I feel too emotional to get through it at live shows . Kiki : If not a career in music — what would be your second choice … and why ?
Zale : NO PLAN B . This is the Music Business School mantra . If you give yourself an easier path , you will take it .
Kiki : Do you have some final thoughts ? What ’ s next for Zale ? Please share your links where the readers of ION Indie Magazine can learn about “ all things Zale ”.
Zale : THANK YOU SO MUCH for featuring ZALE . We have a regional tour beginning in February to help fund the last couple songs on our upcoming record . We are working diligently with Madison Records ’ Tanner Hendon and Wyatt Oates to bring something unique and powerful to the alternative market with these 9 new songs ! Find everything Zale at www . zalemusic . com . Follow me at https :// twitter . com / hzale .