Music by THE SLIGHTLYS “Is There Anybody There”
It is said that March comes in like a lion and out like a lamb…well, if that’s the case, then this March Issue
is ready to ROAR! We are jam-packed this month with dynamic photography and compelling journalism…all
set to the backdrop of streaming music and interactive videos. Our staff has REALLY delivered this month!
And speaking of our gifted staff, I’d like to welcome the newest member to the ION family, Journalist TIM
CAMPBELL! Tim hails from Ohio and is a bassist with the Punk band STREET MEAT. He debuts in this issue
with his coverage of THE SCRATCHES. Welcome, Tim!
Our feature article this month is brought to us by our fetching Journalist,
YVONNE DAY. Yvonne delivers unto the readers of ION Indie Magazine, the
musical stylings of Blues artist extraordinaire HAMILTON LOOMIS! Read all
about Hamilton Loomis this in depth feature/interview and hear some music
that is SURE to make you want to dance on the nearest table and blow the
blues! Red shoes never looked so good!
SHARKFEST ’15 went off without a hitch to the delight of Florida audiences.
And the responsible party for this gathering of talent is ION’S own TOM
PARRISH! Tom reports on this epic festival inside the pages of this March
Issue. Thank you, Tom for all you do with SHARK ALLEY ENTERTAINMENT for
the local scene…and beyond!
We are featuring some fab photo layouts in this March issue. This includes
some exhilarating photography by TIMOTHY SCHUMANN of PITBULL and
ENRIQUE IGLESIAS as they made a stop in Texas for the “Sex and Love Tour”.
I’d like to extend A big thank you to all of our talented Photojournalists that
“fight the good fight” in “pits” across our country to bring us large concert
and small venue coverage alike!
As winter begins to wind down and we look toward some warmer weather,
it’s hard to believe that it’s just a few months until we celebrate one year of
ION Indie Magazine…time flies when you are having fun! This ride has been
a lot of work, but also one worth taking. Thank you to our readers for all the
support you’ve shown by reading and sharing our publication. And a BIG
Fairy Rock Mother shout of gratitude to the absolute, hands-down BEST
staff of Journalists ANYWHERE. I give you…two wings up!
Kiki Plesha
The Fairy Rock Mother
ION Indie Magazine