ION INDIE MAGAZINE March 2015, Volume 10 | Page 12
YD: I’ve heard that you have the nickname “Ham-Bone” as in “Bo Diddley Style”…Yes? When
and how did that originate?
HL: Actually, it’s just because my name is HAMilton…people just started calling me “Ham”, or
“Ham-Bone”. What I think is funny is that if you look up the denition of “Hambone”, some sources
say “someone who over-acts” or “inferior/inadequate performer”. I think that’s hilarious…
YD: Would you share your story about those “trademark” Red Shoes?
HL: That actually came about because I have 2 red guitars, and my wife got me these bright red
dressy shoes as a gift. I protested, because at rst I thought they were gaudy, but I’ve learned to
never argue with a woman, so I just started wearing them reluctantly. But people started
complimenting them, and they became kind of a tradem ark!
HAMILTON LOOMIS is a gifted showman who plays his guitar with rapid precision, while at the
same time, wailing on a harmonica. TALENT that is rare to observe. Whether you have the
privilege to see him at a huge arena, outdoor festival, intimate club setting or one of his workshops,
you are guaranteed a GREAT Time. The experience will imprint fond memories and leave you
with a smile. Especially, whenever you hear one of his songs.
Hamilton Loomis Website:
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