ne of the biggest challenges of the average music journalist is to talk about
music as “art” without appearing pretentious. In a world where the #1 song on
the charts can be attributed to 16 different song writers, how do you look at
music with the same intellectual approach as a Monet painting? Modern music may have
lost its artistic punch, but if done right, it still conjures emotions like the great artists of
history. This is a motivation that is inspiring Columbus, Ohio’s ZOO TRIPPIN’ to make their
infectious blend of genre- bending blues/rock. Since the band’s inception, they have
made their mark on the Midwest, releasing three EP’s that fans adore like no other. They
are also preparing to release their rst full-length album, “Purple”.
h e b a n d ’s f a n b a s e i s a s
dedicated as they are rowdy, like
the musical version of a Southern
Baptist church. Leading this
congregation is vocalist TONY CASA.
While his smooth vocal stylings are
enjoyable enough on their own, his
passion for the music and fans is
unparalleled. Beneath his otherwise
unassuming appearance offstage, lies a
bombshell of bombastic energy and
swagger. With performances that
demand your full attention, he creates
an infectious urge to dance. The band’s
sound is also greatly inuenced by
guitarists LYNN ROOSE III and DREW
DIMITROVSKI. These two take elements
of Zepplin era blues and indie pop to create soundscapes that change on a dime and
are always perfect for the song. Fans of JACK WHITE and THE BLACK KEYS will enjoy
Zoo Trippin’s sound more than most, and Lynn and Drew are responsible for that.
Rounding out the band’s core is bassist AUSTIN SMITH and drummer STEVE HATMAKER.
These two couldn’t be more different in aesthetic—with Hatmaker hailing from the
metal community and Smith having more laid back inuences. Fortunately, they come
together to lay the foundation for the band’s non-stop sonic party. Of course, when
looking at the people who shape the sound, you must also factor in the seemingly
unending group of contributing artists. At any time during a Zoo Trippin’ show, the stage
can be ooded with additional horn players, keyboardists, rappers and a whole eet
up backup singers.
I recently sat down with the band to talk about the new record.