ION INDIE MAGAZINE June 2016, Volume 25 | Page 41

BDR: I’d probably make Westerns. I’d probably be the next JOHN WAYNE… MM: Wow, no shit? Great answer! What about you guys? BDR: Cord wants to be a lion! MM: Not the football player, but a real lion?? BDR: Yup, Cord wants to be a fuckin’ lion! Timmy: Anything in art. I do art. I have my own t-shirt company ( As long as I can create something, positively, that’s all I really want to do. MM: As established musicians, do you have any advice for those bands and musicians that are on the cusp of making it in this industry? What advice do you guys have for unsigned bands? Timmy: Play as much as you can, wherever you can! Even when you get to the point where money isn’t the motivator, just play to get the exposure. Just do what you have to do. It takes a while! MM: I reached out to fans of ION for any questions they may have and got one from my friend WAYNE BENSON of BOSTON ROCK RADIO ( Wayne asks, “Do you feel that being in a band in the social media age has helped the band’s career?” BDR: I think it hindered it. MM: Really!? BDR: Oh yeah! I don’t watch my mouth. I don’t know how to watch what I say and I really don’t care what people think. So social media for me is just a fuckin’ ploy, it’s really just kind of a bunch of bullshit. I don’t even really use my Facebook page hardly ever. I post stuff on Instagram because they make me. I really don’t give a shit about it. Timmy: I think it goes both ways though, certain things it’s good for, certain things it’s bad for. BDR: It’s free advertisement and all, but one thing about us is